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Hendy Woods State Park Field Trip

Hendy Woods State Park Field Trip

Saturday, April 20 from 8:00AM - 12:00PM

Meet at the bridge on Philo Greenwood Road. We will bird from the bridge, then go into the park. Five or six species of Swallows can be seen here, including Purple Martins nesting in tall snags. Black-headed Grosbeaks, and Black-throated Gray Warblers are regularly seen. Western Tanager, Hermit Warbler, and Green Heron have also been seen, sometimes from the bridge. Cassin’s Vireo and Barred Owl can also be heard here. This field trip will likely end around noon, unless the birding continues to be good, so bring a lunch, something to drink, and be prepared for an enjoyable visit to one of the area’s special locations. Please note that Hendy Woods State Park charges an entrance fee.



April 17

Early Bird Walk

May 4

Beginners Bird Walk