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Navarro Beach Field Trip

Navarro Beach Field Trip

Saturday, May 11 from 8:00AM - 12:00PM

MMeet at the top of Navarro Beach Road, south of the Navarro River, right after crossing over the Hwy. 1 bridge. We will walk down the road to the beach and back, about one mile each way. Spring migrants have arrived and we’re hoping to find Wilson’s Warbler, Warbling Vireo, Western (Pacific-slope) Flycatcher, Black-headed Grosbeak, a variety of swallows, and possibly a Bald eagle or two. On previous trips we have also found Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Canada (Gray) Jay, and Bullock’s Oriole. Once at the beach we will scope the bay for any ducks and loons. One year we watched a Gray Whale calf nursing near the mouth of the river! Bring water, snacks, good shoes and a wind breaker. Loaner binoculars will be available. If you arrive late, just walk toward the beach and you’ll find us, usually in the middle of the road.

Leader: Dave Jensen



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