Point Cabrillo Light Station 1995-2015

In 2015, MCAS completed a citizen science project established in 1995 at Point Cabrillo Light Station, a 300-acre California State Historic Park preserve north of Mendocino Village. Data gathered showed gradual changes in nesting distribution, a result of the spread of willow stands, maturation of young pines, and removal of non-native invasive plant species by California State Parks staff. MCAS maintains a connection to the light station (through outreach and educational bird programs), and leads bird walks in the preserve during the light station’s annual whale festivals. The light station was one of several sites selected for an MCAS citizen science cormorant coastal research project from 2009-2019. In 2011, Audubon California established an ongoing multi-agency state coastal study of Black Oystercatchers. The light station was one of several county coastal sites selected to be included in this research.


The Black Oystercatcher Conservation Project