Trip Report - Impromptu Whale & Bird Cruise

Rhinoceros Auklet in breeding plumage by Tim Bray

A rare window of calm weather inspired several birders to join a whale-watching cruise on the Kraken, Saturday February 24. The ocean was calm and blue, the air was warm and still, and we enjoyed a nice trip out. Whales were difficult to find and birds were scattered, but we did see a lot of Common Murres and a fair number of Rhinoceros Auklets. Interestingly the Auklets were in breeding plumage, sporting impressive plumes and the “horn” for which they were named, while the Murres were in both winter and summer plumages. We also saw two Pigeon Guillemots, unusual this early in the year, both in summer plumage. Before we even got out of the harbor we saw an Osprey perched in a pine tree, also unusual for this time of year.

eBird Trip Report here:

First published MCAS Black Oystercatcher March 2024


Rare Sightings - April 2024


Recent Sightings - March 2024