Sightings - January 2025

Summer Tanager 12/21/24, photo by Peter Pyle on the Fort Bragg CBC.

Possibly due to a combination of the busy season and numerous poor-weather days, we have had very few rare bird sightings these last four weeks. However, several excellent birds initially found in November continued being reported into December, including Dickcissel, Rock Sandpiper, American Tree Sparrow, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Lucy’s Warbler, Tennessee and Nashville Warblers. New reports included a very late Common Yellowthroat in Elk on 12/02 (BK & LW). A Chipping Sparrow was reported in Ukiah on 12/10 (JR). A Western Tanager along the Russian River south of Ukiah was seen on 12/22 (VM).

We have had several Bullock’s Orioles (BUOR) reported, some which were first seen in November. One hatch year (HY) female was seen at the Rose Cemetery in Fort Bragg on 12/01 (PP), and a HY male was seen 12/02 (TB) and 12/04 (RA). Another BUOR was seen at the other end of town near Harbor Lite Lodge while searching for the Lucy’s Warbler on 12/06 (LW). On 12/21 two BUOR HY males were seen near Fir and Brandon in Fort Bragg (PP).

When photos were examined later that day, Peter noticed in one photo there was a female Summer Tanager, an excellent bird for the CBC held that day (PP). The Summer Tanager was seen again on 12/28 about a block to the north (DJ).

Back view of the Pribilof Rock Sandpiper showing extensive pale edging to feathers making it much lighter than the individuals usually seen in California. Photo courtesy of Peter Pyle.

Rock Sandpipers were reported in November. However, when viewed on 12/07 one of them appeared much paler than the others (PP). Peter consulted with other experts and they reached the conclusion that he had identified an individual of the Pribilof subspecies (Calidris ptilocnemis ptilocnemis) which breeds only on islands in the Bering Sea and winters mainly in Cook Inlet. This was the first observation of this subspecies in California. We usually see the subspecies C. p. tschuktschorum, which breeds along the Alaska mainland from Bristol Bay north and is known to winter all along the coast of North America south into California.

One last exciting observation, also on 12/07, was a Short-tailed Albatross (ST). This species breeds on islands off Japan and is found almost exclusively in the north Pacific. Prior to the 20th century it was much more numerous before being hunted for feathers. It also has the distinction of breeding on a volcanic island where several 20th century eruptions caused near-extinction about 80 years ago. The population is recovering, and they are always a welcome observation off North America.

Juvenile Short-tailed Albatross with characteristic huge pink bill, seen 12/07 a few miles west of Cleone near the upper Noyo Canyon. Photo courtesy of Sean Thornton.

Thanks to all who reported either to or to eBird: Bob Keiffer (BK), Lisa Walker (LW), Jake Ruygt (JR), Virginia Macintosh (VM), Peter Pyle (PP), Tim Bray (TB), Roger Adamson (RA), Dave Jensen (DJ), and Sean Thornton (ST).


Sightings - February 2025


South Coast Raptors Field Trip Report - Nov. 17, 2024