Sightings - March 2025

Violet-green Swallow 4/20/2024, Fort Bragg. Photo by Roger Adamson

February 2025 was somewhat less than stellar for rare bird sightings. Apparently, many of us preferred indoor activities this year.  There were a few reports. On 02/01 the Summer Tanager first seen in December was seen in Fort Bragg (DJ). A slate-colored variety of Dark-eyed Junco was found in Redwood Valley on 02/01 (KL). Also on 02/01, the continuing Western Tanagers were seen in Ukiah (GG). A Sandhill Crane was heard calling at the Hopland Research Extension Center on 02/07 (CA). These birds can be heard for easily more than a mile while flying through an area and can be hard to find at that distance! On 02/17 our first report of the season for Allen’s Hummingbird was received from Middle Ridge near Albion (TB). On 02/22 a different Western Tanager (probably) was reported from the north shore of Lake Mendocino (MF).  And, last, a few have reported seeing the early arriving Violet Green Swallows in recent days (PP, RA, LW, TB).

Thanks to all who reported either to or to eBird: Dave Jensen (DJ), Keith Leland (KL), George Gibbs (GG), Chad Aakre (CA), Tim Bray (TB), Matt Franks (MF), Peter Pyle (PP), Roger Adamson (RA), and Lisa Walker (LW).


Half-day Pelagic report