Black-Necked Stilt
The Black-Necked Stilt is a slender wading bird with long red legs. It forages along the edges of fresh and saltwater marshes, ponds, and tidal mudflats.
Black Phoebe
The Black Phoebe is a year-round resident and is often seen on a fence post or low branch. From there, it sallies up to snatch an insect from the air and returns to the same perch. This seven-inch flycatcher is all black except for its white belly and thin white lines down the outside of its tail…
Blue Grouse
The Blue Grouse is the common resident grouse of our mountains. In early spring, while there is still snow on the ground you can hear their courtship hooting.
Brewer’s Blackbird
Everyone has seen Brewer’s Blackbirds. They are in parks, fields, and parking lots. They are the birds that peck bugs from your car bumper…
Brown Pelican
Everyone recognizes the Brown Pelican. It’s that four-foot bird on the coast with that giant bill. At eighteen inches the Brown Pelican has one of the longest bills of any bird…
The Bufflehead is a small duck that is easily recognized by the male’s huge white patch on the back of his head. They are winter visitors here to enjoy our mild weather compared to the frozen north where they return to nest in spring…
California Gull
The California Gull breeds around Mono Lake but spends so much of its time in Utah that it’s the state bird. A Salt Lake City monument honors California Gulls because the birds twice saved crops of Mormon settlers from grasshopper plagues…
Canvasback duck
The Canvasback duck can be recognized from a distance by its Roman profile. They show a continuous line from their dramatic sloping foreheads down to their large dark bills…
Cedar Waxwing
When I hear their soft-pitched trill whistle, I quickly look up in the tops of the trees for the gentle Cedar Waxwings. They are silky, sleek fawn-colored birds with a prominent crest and striking black band through their eye…
Cliff Swallow
These are the famous swallows of San Juan Capistrano whose return has been recorded around March 19 since 1775. They winter in Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina…
Common Merganser
The Common Merganser is an elegant-looking bird. The "common" refers to its being the most abundant of the mergansers. They have slender red bills, which are serrated to grasp slippery fish; hence the name "saw-bill"…
Common Raven
Somehow the word ‘common’ doesn’t fit this bird that is known for its intelligence, aerial acrobatics, and impressive repertoire of vocalizations.