Manchester CBC 2023 Preliminary Report

The decision to hold the 50th Manchester Christmas Bird Count on Friday, January 5, the final date of the official count period, proved to be a good one. The weather was dry with only light winds, and while the temperatures were not balmy, neither were they taxing. Thirty-two birders from across the Mendo-Lake-Sonoma region and as far away as Rancho Cordova came to participate.

129 species were observed, slightly below the count average of 131. A total of 8,415 birds were counted, which was a relatively low number given the weather conditions on count day. The following are just a few of the many highlights: 36 Brown Pelicans- a species that usually has left the area by count day; 1 Nashville Warbler- an uncommon bird that has been seen several times in the Fort Bragg area this winter; the most common bird- 1117 Starlings; second most common bird- 506 Brewer’s Blackbirds, along with 430 Redwings and 650 blackbird sp., but no Tricoloreds; most common Sparrow- 439 White-crowns; most common Loon- 47 Red-throateds; 24 Tree Swallows and 19 Barn Swallows; and only 3 Peregrines but 4 Bald Eagles. Notable no-shows included Tundra Swan, Cattle Egret, Osprey, Sandhill Crane, Belted Kingfisher and Cedar Waxwing.

The compilation dinner was held in Point Arena at the spacious Trinity Hall next to St. Aloyisius Catholic Church, where Lasagna alla Napolitana, Eggplant Parm, and a commemorative carrot cake concluded another memorable day on the Manchester count. Mark your calendars now for the next Manchester count on January 4, 2025.

First published MCAS Black Oystercatcher February 2024


Recent Sightings - March 2024


Recent Sightings - February 2024