Recent Sightings - February 2024

Crested Caracara by the Garcia River, Roger Adamson.

Relatively few rarities visited Mendocino County this January. Nonetheless, some were excellent. First seen in December, a Baltimore Oriole was reported from Middle Ridge in the Albion Nation (CK, TB). This was the third Baltimore Oriole record (reported on eBird). Surprisingly, another Baltimore Oriole was seen at the Stornetta Dairy on 1/27 (LS), possibly the same bird seen near Albion. Another excellent find was a Magnolia Warbler reported from the pond at Caspar on 1/03 (CL). This was about the tenth county record. A Harris Sparrow was spotted at the Hopland Research and Extension Center on 1/26 (CV). These are hard to find in the county, one showing up every few years.

The real star of the month was a Crested Caracara first reported on 1/19 by Larry Stornetta on his cattle ranch along the Garcia River overlooked by Point Arena. This bird has been seen by numerous birders, some of whom traveled from far corners of the state to record this excellent county bird. Only a second county record, this individual, with light brown feathering and cream-colored neck and chest, was a young bird hatched in 2023. This species occurs mainly at low elevations throughout South and Central America ranging as far north as southern Texas, Arizona, and Florida. They are thought to hunt by sight, not by smell, and to take all sorts of insects, small vertebrates, and carrion. We watched as it performed its characteristic stalking, walking across the field, turning the earth, looking for prey items. It also accompanied Turkey Vultures at a deer carcass until the meat was consumed. Unfortunately, some ranchers believe it to be a danger to newborn livestock and in places the birds are shot or poisoned. However, the species is not threatened over its broad range. This was an excellent bird to find and a real treat to observe.

Thanks to the following for their reports: Catherine Keegan (CK), Tim Bray (TB), Lucas Stephenson (LS), Chris Lamoureux (CL), Chuck Vaughn (CV).

First published MCAS Black Oystercatcher February 2024


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